How would you describe your role?
Around the office I say "I do all the things nobody else wants to". Really that means chasing up a lot of loose ends and trying my best to get stuff done....on time. At the crux of that is developing and maintaining a positive working relationship between Skeehan and our great team of Australian manufacturers, while hunting out the suppliers we should be working with for new processes.
There’s a lot on your plate, is there anything significant that has helped make your workflow more efficient?
When we brought in the software it was a game changer. Most of the time, someone in a position like mine is combing through handfuls and handfuls of jobs all due around the same time. The automations for automatic input into my job register blew my mind when I realised I could ditch all the print outs. Everything in one place with dates and notification what more could a production manager want.
What led you to working with the company?
It all started through working on my network of contacts while at uni, which I cannot stress enough. Tom was invited to talk to our class about his professional experience and I became aware of the Skeehan brand . I put the company in the memory bank of places to pursue when I finished school. I continued to attend workshops that Tom would run to get recognized and as I finished school a mutual friend from the design agency Inklab mentioned to both Tom and I we should be working together. It really came down to the recommendations of others within our networks as they recognized the potential fit for both of us.
Anything you’ve seen in design that has gotten you really excited or want to shout out?
While I am not fashionable in any way shape or form, I do wish I was. I thought the spray on dress at Paris Fashion Week by Coperni and Fabrican was pretty awesome. Definitely cool research and a unique approach to textiles. I will be looking up Fabrican very soon.